Construction Updates!

It is exciting times at Hillcrest! We are currently in phase one of our building renovation project. Please keep checking this page for updated progress.
February 3rd, 2025
The first concrete pour of the project should happen this Wednesday! The elevator shaft and some footings for the columns being installed are first, and then there will be a pour for the new set of stairs next to the elevator that will lead to the basement.
It's interesting what is unearthed (literally) as the project progresses. More than one set of old footers were uncovered and jackhammered out, and it's obvious that the ground level has been changed over the course of various stages of construction through the years.
January 31st
There's been a lot of progress this week, and this update mostly focuses on the connection corridor. You can see that brick has been removed in preparation for building the corridor. It will be so nice when we no longer have to walk between the buildings in all kinds of weather but can have an enclosed, climate controlled connection! Check out the construction bulletin board at the church to see more pictures and facts.
January 25th, 2025
Good progress was made this week, and better weather is a blessing. The builders opened up part of the building to get a machine in to dig out concrete for the future elevator shaft. Concrete was also cut in the old kitchen to put in the new footers and columns to hold up the floor of the future Children's Ministry area.
January 22nd, 2025
Decisions, decisions! It's time to start looking at flooring, lights, etc. for parts of the building project, so several people were asked to attend one of two sessions to look at some choices in our budget and give their preferences. Final decisions will be made at a later date. The current light fixtures in the Fellowship Hall don't give off enough light and will be replaced. Fortunately, this style of light was VERY popular, so there's a strong resale market.
January 17th, 2025
 Concrete cutting for the elevator started today and good progress was made. The work didn't get finished because some of the walls were a double layer of blocks. Those early volunteers intended for those walls to stay up!
January 14, 2025
The snow and ice put a damper on progress last week and is still keeping us from digging footers for the new concrete between the FLC and main building, but, we are working elsewhere! Remember that surprise window on the basement level that was found behind the drywall?  Well,  John Angst and Jason Stewart are fixing that right up!  Their donated labor keeps our budget right on track - Thanks guys!
January 3rd, 2025

Work this week included more digging (by hand) on the area where the new stairs to the basement and elevator pit will go.  And, while we hoped to be cutting through walls for the elevator, an unexpected underground window was found that has to be blocked up before we can cut for the elevator hole.  That's really the first surprise of the build.  Oh, and the old awning outside the school entrance is gone.  That area will all be "inside" the new corridor.

Another $58 in recycling today - all aluminum (soffit, columns, guttering).  
December 23rd, 2024
Demo has started on the concrete between the Family Life Center and the main building to prepare for a new concrete pad for the connection that will be built. Just think about the rainy, snowy, bitterly cold, and blazing hot days in the future when we'll be able to use this connection to stay out of the elements. Also, think of how wonderful it will be for parents, teachers, and guardians to be able to keep children safer as they move between the buildings.

As we move Forward In Faith, there will be times during the construction that are inconvenient. This is one of those times. This entrance will not be usable, but classes, etc. can still be held in the building. For the next 3-4 weeks, access to the Family Life Center will be through the ramp door on the opposite side of the building. If you need a key for that door, please see Linda in the office. The key will come with instructions on unlocking, locking, and testing the door before you leave the building. Yes, we know you've used keys plenty of times, but this one is a little different.
December 19th, 2024
The old "secret room" is gone!  And yes, the door to nowhere is locked and boarded up.
Over the Christmas break will be the perfect time to jackhammer and cut concrete for the elevator shaft and doors.
And, yes, we are using local contractors!  That's Shawn Light (volunteering) to deliver Willard Quarry gravel (donated) in one pic.  - Thanks Shawn Light and David Willard.
The demo workers stopped working for a few moments when they realized our students were praying before lunch:)

December 16th, 2024
  Digging starts tomorrow between the Gym and the FH just to get some drainage pipes.
  The Temporary wall is NOT where any future wall will be.  That is simply to keep kids away from the temporary heater and to give the construction guys a place to stage tools and supplies. 

The Fellowship Hall is going to have the same footprint as always.
  $560 so far from metal recycling. We are hoping to get $850 when all is said and done.  Keith pulled and separated every bit of copper & aluminum from the old air handlers and recycled them separately for full value. 

(Those HVAC units were very rusted inside and fell apart.  Estimated age 25-30 years - they wouldn't have lasted long.)  
  Contractors are scheduling subs to take advantage of an empty building over Christmas.