HBC Children's Ministry exists to help children:
KNOW who God is and who they are in Him
GROW as followers of Jesus Christ
GO Share Jesus in word and in action
Luke 18:16
Welcome To Our Children’s Ministry!
Hillcrest Baptist Church seeks to create a fun, safe, biblically-based learning environment where children hear the gospel and can respond and grow in the truth, grace, and love of Jesus Christ. Our heart desires to collaborate with families and present God’s word so that our children “grow and become strong, full of wisdom and the grace of God,” just like Jesus did (Luke 2:40).
What's Available For My Children?
The sound of children throughout the Church is a blessing and we welcome them to any service. Older Kids and Younger Kids Bulletins are available at the Welcome Center for those choosing to remain in the Worship Service and would like biblical activities to keep them engaged.
First Time guest?
WELCOME! When you first arrive at Hillcrest, enter through the main entrance under the awning and make a right to our welcome desk. There you will meet someone from our welcome team who will be happy to assist you with checking in your child or children. They will want to know the following information: family member's name, children's name and date of birth, contact information and any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for your child. They will then give you a security badge for your child and one for you to ensure a safe, easy pick up! Someone from our welcome team will then take you to the appropriate space for your child or children.
The Nursery and all children’s classes are facilitated by a leader and assistant(s) who have completed mandatory training and a background check process. Youth from the Hillcrest Ignite Youth group who have been vetted and approved by the Children’s Ministry Director, Associate Pastor/Youth Director, and Lead Pastor may also be assisting adults as well.
9:00-10:00 AM
All children's classes are divided by age group. The Gospel Project program teaches Bible stories from the Old Testament through the New Testament, showing how God's plan of salvation flows throughout history.
10:20 AM - 11:00 AM
This is a worship experience tailored especially for your children from 3 years old through 5th grade. Children participate in Praise and Worship time in the Sanctuary. Then those who wish to participate in Children’s Church meet the Leaders in the foyer and proceed to their designated classes.
There are classes for ages 3 years - K; 1st - 2nd grade; and 3rd - 5th grade. These classes are a great way for your children to continue learning the Bible and life application in a fun, safe, and interactive environment. Snacks such as chips, fruit snacks and juice are provided. Parents pick up their children at the designated location following the morning worship service.
Sunday Evenings 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
This is a Sunday evening group for children in preschool through 5th grade, meeting in the Family Life Center. Emphasis is placed on children learning more about Jesus' love for them and ways we can look to serve Him. Bible-centered learning, games, and missional activities amplify this message of service. Kids will enjoy fun surprises along the way!
Wednesday Evenings - 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Through curriculum from Answers in Genesis children learn God’s Word and its application to their lives. Through Bible stories, hands-on activities and group activities children grow to treasure what’s important.
Treasure Seekers classes are offered in conjunction with the Lebanon R-3 school calendar and cancellation protocol. Unplanned cancelation notifications can be found at https://www.facebook.com/Lebanonhbc
If you are a member of Hillcrest Baptist Church and believe the Lord has gifted you to participate as a volunteer with the Children's Church ministry please complete this form. If you have questions or would like further information, please contact Vonda Wallace, Children's Ministry Director at vwallace@lebanonhbc.com.
Child Protective Training is mandatory for EVERYONE involved with children. This includes, but is not limited to:
Treasure Seekers
Youth Camps/trips
Life Groups
Vacation Bible School
Van Drivers & Assistants